Thursday, January 21, 2010

One has to start somewhere

Every journey begins with a first step. Although my life's journey began long ago, my journey into writing a blog is beginning before your eyes. The blogging journey is simple, peaceful, reflective, reasonable and all things sane, for me. The physical journey that has preceded it for all these decades is fraught with discord, danger, pain, regret and more than a little mystery. I don't jump to the fast or easy answer anymore. There is too much superstition in the world to take the chance, and too many people who are more than happy to sell you the answers, for an all too steep price. Therefore, I live in mystery.

It isn't really that bad, the mystery. It is not like the darkness of superstition, filled with it's fear and apprehension. It is more like a fog, when it settles over a clearing in the forest. A temporary obscuring of what will soon be seen. So, my journey is a hopeful one. You are welcome to join me.


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