Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Moving On...

Well, I guess it's time for me to review all the great posts at The Church of Nobody, again. Due to a debacle which seems to be multifaceted, based on the content and comments sections of the last two posts, Nobody appears to have left the building. Say "hi" to Elvis for me, if you run into him, Nobby. Of course, last word was that The King had taken up residence in Kalamazoo, Michigan, and that's a long haul from Oz. Still, if you venture state-side, keep that in mind.

In putting together what I chanced to witness in said comments, some of which having been blitzed before I got to see them, it seems that a nerve was touched pretty solidly in the second to the last post. Comments like "witch hunt", followed by "I like your blog, but..." as well as the condescending and presumptuous "this isn't what you're about" all raise very bright red flags, in my opinion. If Les isn't an "asset", I would have to wonder why the woodwork produced commentators like the ones that appeared. The catch-phrases used give me a creepy feeling, in any case. Maybe they were just worshipers of Les; that kind of thing happens a lot. (on the Cult Education Forum, it's an epidemic). I was heartened by the show of solidarity, by the other usual suspects, but it apparently got thick enough for our friend to wrap up the show, and say goodnight.

So, good-night, sir. It was a glorious ride. I'll treasure the posts like a favorite book, that I'll re-read with the same fervor I used to dig into McGowan's site prior to my hundredth go-round. See you in the ether, maybe.

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In the interest of Civility, comments are moderated. The Internet (and the world, actually) is rife with what are known as "haters" and I don't wish to add to the discord that already exists, any more than is necessary to show a contrary opinion. Otherwise, have at it. I'll read every one of them.